Trinity International College

Course Structure

The 4-Year BA Degree comprises twenty papers each having 100 Marks. These have been divided into three groups:

Compulsory Subjects English (1st & 3rd year)
Nepali (2nd year)
Nepal Studies (4th year)
Two Major Subjects Major Subject A (Paper I - VII)
Major Subject B (Paper I - VII)
Two Elective Subjects Paper 410
Paper 411


Course Cycle
Groups   1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Comp. Subjects Comp. English Paper I - Paper II -
Comp. Nepali - Paper I - -
Nepal Studies - - - Paper I
Two Majors Major Subject A Papers I & II Papers III & IV Paper V Papers VI & VII
Major Subject B Papers I & II Papers III & IV Paper V Papers VI & VII
Elective Subjects   - - Elective -
  - - Elective -

Majors at Trinity Combinations - any two from the Majors available:

  •  English
  • Social Work
  • Rural Development
  • Journalism & Mass Communication (JMC)
  • Economics

Major English

The rationale of doing a Major in English is to acquire tools for systematically studying, judging, and understanding literary or other text. The Major inculcates a taste for reading with a spirit of inquiry and the skill of logical reasoning. Furthermore, it assists in a detailed study of literature, and other linked disciplines, most useful later at the post-graduate level.


  • Build up a sound background for scholarly literary studies
  • Provide canonical and cutting-edge text for critical appreciation
  • Give proper tools for comprehension, interpretation, and creation
Course Structure
Year Paper Code no. Title
First I ENG 421 Reading, Writing and Thinking
II ENG 422 History of Literature and Critical Tradition
Second III ENG Literature from Early Modern to Modern Period
IV ENG 423 Romantic and Victorian Literature
Third V ENG 424 Modern and Post Modern Literature
  ENG 410 Professional Communication (Elective)
Fourth VI ENG 425 Researching and Writing
VII ENG 426 World Literature in English


Major Social Work

This is fundamentally a multidisciplinary Major drawing upon theoretical concepts from different social sciences yet keeping work values and principles at its core. Thus, social work education herein focuses on a holistic and integrated method of practice rather than following a reduction-list approach.


  • Build up a knowledge base, through theory classes and concurrent field work, necessary for the learning, practice, and refinement of skills
  • Embed, through various exposures, supervision, and constant reflection, the needed ethical and value base
  • Play a critical role in shaping the overall outlook of individuals involved and thereby prepare effective agents for social change
Course Structure
Year Paper Code No Title
First I SW 421 Introduction to Social Work
II SW 422 Basic Sociology for Social Work
Second III SW 423 Basic Psychology for Social Work
IV SW 424 A Social Case Work Practice
  SW 424 B Social Work Practice with Groups
Third V SW 425 Social Issues and Leadership Development
  SW 410 Social Issues and Leadership Development (Elective Paper)
Fourth VI SW 426 Theoretical Ideologies of Social Work
VII SW 427 Social Problem, Identifications & Interventions


Major Rural Development

Rural Development Major introduces students to the basic concepts, theories, and approaches of rural development with reference to Nepal. Students understand the nature, characteristics, concepts and theoretical framework of the state and government and different institutions of governance in local and rural development areas.


  • To introduce students to the basic approaches of rural development
  • To acquaint students with different rural development theories and simple quantitative techniques
  • To familiarize students with the scientific approach in identifying issues and solving problems regarding social, economic, political, educational and environmental courses
Course Structure
Year Paper Code No. Title
First I RDS 421 Theories of Development
II RDS 422 Basic Research Methods
Second III RDS 423 Economics and Developmen
IV RDS 424 Society and Development
Third V RDS 425 Governance and Development
  RDS 410 Development Practices (Elective Paper)
  RDS 411 Entrepreneurship (Elective Paper)
Fourth VI RDS 426 Environment and Development
VII RDS 427 Planning and Project Management


Major Journalism & Mass Communication

The Journalism & Mass Communication Major provides a broad basis for a wide range of careers particularly mass communication, journalism, and the media. The Major helps in these and other occupations where critical understanding, flexibility of approach, research abilities, analytical skills, and communicational proficiency are required.


  • Realize the importance of studying journalism & mass communication in relation to mass media
  •  Apply mass communication principles and develop practical insight into communication issues
  • Gain knowledge of the history, laws, ethics, management, and organization of media functioning and understand news ops and editing
  • Identify major trends in national and global media or issues of information flow systems • Explain systems that govern the role and operation of journalistic activity
Course Structure    
Year Paper Code No. Title
First I JMC 421 Introduction to Mass Media and Communications
II JMC 422 Principles and Practices af Journalism
Second III JMC 423 Media History, Law and Ethics
IV JMC 424 Basics of Media Research
Third V JMC 425 Introduction to Public Relations & Advertising
  JMC 410 Journalism and Mass Communications (Elective Paper)
Fourth VI JMC 426 Broadcast Journalism (Optional Paper)
VII JMC 426 New Media and Online Journalism (Optional Paper)
  JMC 426 Photo Journalism (Optional Paper)


Major Economics

The study of economics is central to the understanding of resource utilization, business, markets, trade, government policies, international issues, globalization, health, development, and the environmental issues. It explores how decisions made by producers, distributers, consumers, businesses and governments affect our society and contributes to our understanding of policy design and business strategy. The course prepares students to understand individual and group decision making, the structure of markets and economies, and the relationship between regions within the global economy.


  • To acquaint the students with the knowledge in different aspects of micro and macro economics, public finance and international trade
  • To provide students with academic background and analytical tools of economics to be capable of accessing economic, social, and political phenomena
  • To acquaint the students with economic development and recent development trends of developing countries
  • To equip the students with skills in quantitative techniques and general knowledge and skills required for the job market
Course Structure    
Year Paper Code No. Title
First I ECON 421 Microeconomics
II ECON 422 Mathematics and Statistics for Economics


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